Current Lab Members

Richard Anderson

Credentials: Ph.D.


Phone: (608) 262-3753

Richard A. Anderson is a Kellett Professor at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Professional Homepage

Suyong Choi

Credentials: Ph.D.

Suyong Choi was an AHA Predoctoral Fellow in the Cell and Molecular Biology Program.  He graduated from Seoul National University in Korea with a B.S. in 2008.  He has recently graduated with a Ph.D. and is currently a Postdoctoral Student in the laboratory.

Andrew Hedman

Credentials: Ph.D.

Andrew Hedman was a graduate student in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology.  He graduated with a Ph.D. in 2012 and is now a Postdoctoral fellow at the NIH with Dr. David Sacks.

Rakesh Laishram

Credentials: Ph.D.

Rakesh S. Laishram was an AHA Postdoctoral Fellow and a Welcome Foundation Investigator. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Science with a Ph.D. in 2008 and is a Scientist in the laboratory.

Weimin Li

Credentials: M.D., Ph.D.

Weimin Li, M.D., Ph.D. was an AHA Postdoctoral Fellow and an American Heart young Investigator.  He graduated with the MD degree from Qingdao Univesity, China and a Ph.D. from the University of Basel, Switzerland in Biochemistry.

Xiaojun Tan

Credentials: Ph.D.

Xiaojun Tan is a graduate student in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology.  He is currently a Howard Hughes Predoctoral Fellow and also won an AHA predoctoral fellow.

Narendra Thapa

Credentials: Ph.D.

Narendra Thapa is an AHA Postdoctoral Fellow. He graduated from Seoul National University in Korea with a Ph.D. in 2008.